Building Bridges to Disability Support and Services

The Importance of Personalised Care Plans in Disability Support Services

When you're living with a disability, using disability support services is about more than receiving care. The right package can help you live a fulfilling and independent life on your own terms. At the heart of excellent care is the personalised care plan, which acts as an excellent opportunity to get more out of each day. 

Understanding Personalised Care

Personalised care plans outline your individual support needs and preferences. They usually stem from a collaborative effort between yourself, your loved ones and those providing your care. Usually, these plans are living documents that you can change when your requirements and circumstances change.

Individual Support

Personalised care plans result in disability support services that are tailored to you as an individual. Customising your support is crucial, as one-size-fits-all solutions don't meet each person's needs at a deeper level. Personalised plans recognise the diverse nature of disability services and allow you to find arrangements that make you comfortable.

Greater Autonomy

Plans are fundamentally about the individuals they're designed to serve. They empower you to make decisions that suit your needs and have a say in how your disability services are provided. As a result, it's easier for you to self-advocate and foster a sense of autonomy.

Comprehensive Care

When disability services are fine-tuned to the needs of each individual, they lead to comprehensive care. Personalised plans usually cover facets including mental health, emotional well-being, hobbies, interests and physical requirements. They're central to maintaining socialisation, employment and a sense of fun.

Tips for Creating Your Personalised Plan

The more time you spend on your personalised plan, the more likely you are to find something that works. If this is something you're new to, try the following:

Disability services are all about putting individuals first. When you have a great care plan in place, it's easier to make sure you're the person who's prioritised. 

For more information, contact a disability service like Ozzy Disability Services.